
Showing posts from July, 2020


Chipping away at the animation, slowly...Also tried some instrumental sound fx, kinda liking the vibe.  pw:super I have also revised my outline for the process book


Working on the title card, not sure if I like it. I think I need to push it some more, I'm used to drawing and line work so I struggle a bit with massing in colors in photoshop, it can look a bit flat.


I made a rough cut of what I have so far with a little music.  I think the intro works with the title card, and I finally like the title. Titles are so hard, it's like writing an incredibly short synopsis.  I usually run into the problem of it sounding too poetic or high falutin', but this is humorous and makes sense with the story. For now I'll only have music in the intro and outro, but it would be nice to find space for it in the film itself. I love the Beebop song "Salt Peanuts" and it works with my theme. I'm not sure about getting rights and all that though. I have a musician friend whop's willing to work with me on it.  I could possibly throw a radio into the scene and have the music transition from non-diegetic to diegetic. Anyway here it is: pw:super


Finished roughing in the first half of scene 2, fairly pleased with it.   pw:super   Moving onto the last half where the transformations get more intense.  Thinking of calling the piece " A Tough Nut to Crack" alluding to his peanut brain(which you'll see later on).  I'd like a title card as an opening with a still image, like old cartoons. The more I get into this film the more it feels like a strange version of a television show.  It might be nice to couch it in these terms to make it more relatable.


Chipping away at the beginning of the scene, I know the end needs work but this feels like the easiest way in. check it out here:  pw:super


I've added some sound to give it context, not sure if I'm going to stick with the groaning, maybe just some light grunting. I've started to add some in-betweens and I like how that's going, it's giving it a slow slushy feel which is what I want. There is also a train exploding from his peanut brain at the end, I want to extend that, maybe give it a more circuitous path so it has more screen time. Check it out here:  pw:super I've also been looking at the book "Animation Sketchbooks".  It's great, really inspiring. I love seeing the raw drawings and thoughts, they are more interesting to me than a polished product. I can relate more, and it helps me with my process.


Moving forward with transformation. Decided on a peanut brain really because I like the shape/form and it's funny.  I think this film is about being a dumb hunk of meat, the human condition.  Still struggling a bit with timing on this, trying to add more holds, and more extreme extremes. password:super


Still pushing along with the transformation. He squeezes his head into mush. It's fun to play with the organic mess, but I'd also like to push it. I want the brain the to be epicenter for more transformations that are more dynamic. I'm sort of following my drawings, it's kind of an intuitive process, which suits me fine, but I am finding that some more thought and planning need to happen to make it more interesting. Link:  Password: super


I've started the beginning of the transformation scene.  It's been a lot of fun to play with different poses and facial expressions, I'm also realizing how hard it will be to animate! I'm up for the challenge.  After nailing the keys for the beginning, I'm going to start keying the transformation which will be really challenging and hopefully fun. Check out my progress here:  Password: super